SAFEQ Release Notes | Y Soft

Resilient Scan Workflows | SAFEQ 3.38 Release

Written by Shaheed Cajee, Product Manager | Oct 6, 2023 11:30:00 AM

In the 3.38 version of SAFEQ Cloud, we're making your scan workflow extra resilient. This updates ensures the retainment of raw scanned images and alerts in the unlikely event of a scan failure.

📦 Retainment of raw scanned images

The SAFEQ Cloud 3.38 release enables a feature to ensure the reliability of your business processes. Our scan workflow now securely retains raw scanned images in the 'My Documents' portal.


🔔 Alerts In the event of a scan failure

In the unlikely event of a scan process failure, both the user and the admin will be alerted.

Want to learn more about our cloud scanning? Explore further → BLOG: Leverage Multi-Brand Document Digitization Software in the Cloud.