License Content Not Updated After Reactivation

After ordering a license extension, confirming it with Y Soft, and performing reactivation, the license content on the dashboard might not reflect the extension.

Applies to YSoft SafeQ 5 and YSoft SafeQ 6.


The customer ordered a license extension, which could involve adding new devices or extending software support. Y Soft confirmed the change, and the customer completed the license reactivation. However, the license content on the dashboard does not show the updated extension.

Several factors could be causing this issue, including cached records on the proxy server retaining the old license content or insufficient permissions to replace the old license in the filesystem (e.g., if the account used to run YSoft SafeQ 5 CML service has changed).


1. Perform offline activation:

Note: The texts on the web interface might differ on older versions of YSoft SafeQ.

  1. Start the license activation process via the YSoft SafeQ web interface.
  2. Choose Upgrade existing license (avoid Reactivate option).
  3. Enter the activation key (usually in format XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX ).
  4. Choose Offline activation.
  5. Finish the activation process by following the on-screen instructions.
  6. Verify that the license shows correct information.

2. YSoft SafeQ 5 only: If the issue persists, try also this:

  1. All CML servers
    1. Backup and delete the <SafeQ>\conf\license\license.xml .
    2. Restart YSoft SafeQ CML service.
  2. Activate YSoft SafeQ via web interface.
    1. Choose Upgrade existing license (avoid Reactivate option).
    2. Enter the activation key
    3. Choose Offline activation.
    4. Finish the activation process by following the on-screen instructions.
  3. Verify that the license shows correct information.

3. If the issue persists, raise an incident with our help desk and provide:

  • a screenshot of the issue
  • a description of what is happening and what would be the expected behavior
  • integrity key
    • it is generated during offline activation, it starts with text code,-
    • provide it as a text and not as a screenshot
  • date and time of the last activation attempt
  • a log file covering the time of the last activation attempt
    • YSoft SafeQ 5 - <SafeQ>\logs\cml.log
    • YSoft SafeQ 6 - <Management>\logs\management-service.log